Japanese Cheesecake with pepperidge cookie base

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Saturday 20 September 2008 9:33 am
18,869 Total Views
Since i have pepperidge cookie which sits in the freezer(it doesn’t taste good, no matter what they say on packaging: warming up the cookie in oven, it still taste sweet and nothing spectacular), i decided to make a cheesecake, since i have a food blog, why not?

meringue, almost dripping to the  table, i tink i don’t beat it enough, only till soft peak stage.
nah, here are the cookie, being lazy and experimental, decided to just lay the cookie like that.
cheesecake batter
finished product.
finished product, see the cookie layer… haha
recipe taken from
Japanese cheesecake, http://ivyaiwei.blogspot.com/2007/11/japanese-cottony-cheese-cake.html
Colleague and friends commented. Some say a bit sweet because of the cookie layer, i think so too, while others say it taste nice. Mum say it doesn’t rise much, yeah think it is due to the egg white not beaten long enough.


1 Comment

  1. Comment by ai wei — February 1, 2009 @ 1:32 am

    cool! u seems to modified the recipe with a layer of cookie base. glad that u like this recipe. most of my friends and family love this too! hehe

    hmmm, it dun rise much?! try to beat the egg white longer ya.
    have fun with all the recipes.

    happy chinese new year!

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