Pan Mee / Mee Hoon Kueh, Jinjang

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Saturday 20 September 2008 9:08 am
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This stall is in Jinjang(near Kepong), my childhood favourite till now, and swear by it, yeah, it is thick with substance, not those flimsy mee-hoon-kueh which look more like kuey-tiaw.
Their ice lemon tea is also superb, but remember to ask them lessen the sugar of it will taste indiany sweet. They use fresh lemon, and their fridge is full of lemons.
Price: RM3.50(small), RM4(big)
Operating hours: Mon-Saturday 6pm – about midnight (Sunday off)
Telephone number: 016-335 0929
Map to pan mee stall, it is kinda complicated, as part of the road is a back road. But just ask around for Chui Wah restaurant, i guess all the Jinjang people will know Chui Wah restaurant, the stall is just opposite of Chui Wah
Update 11 April 2009:
They have char kuey tiaw too, decent.


1 Comment

  1. Comment by cooknengr — September 23, 2008 @ 10:12 am

    indiany sweet is a great culinary term

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