Kon Lor Mee, Tangkak, Johor (30km south of Melaka)
Tangkak is a small town you have to pass thru if you are going Gunung Ledang. Remember how i rant here, that i have lost the photos, today i plug the SD memory card to my own notebook, there appear a folder called “photos” beside the usual “DCIM”-> “Pentax” folder, i don’t know how it got there, but i am happy 😛
We had Kon Lor Mee in Tangkak, it is at Lok Pin Hotel, not sure whether it serves as a hotel, but it is pretty run down, there is a RHB bank just few doors away.
Small RM3
Medium RM5
Big RM6
This is the noodle, look like Pan mee, but it is very springy, nice~! RM4 (neither small,medium or big, see the price list above -_-“)
Opening Hour: 7am – 3pm
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