Batu Pahat on Transnational bus 4:00pm Sunday (Pudu Bus Station)

Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Wednesday 26 November 2008 9:29 am
21,544 Total Views

Took Transnational bus to Batu Pahat last Sunday 4:00pm, since no one offer me anything, refer to bottom of this post, i have to continue to go to Batu Pahat for this project 😉 which approximately end mid December, have to go there almost every week for training, live run, stand by, month end closing etc. Gosh, i am getting tired… want holiday, days and weeks of doing nothing but eat, bake, cook, eat, sleep, tv, ho jiak, watch nigella cook, see jamie oliver work his thing, hear Gordon Ramsay curse etc etc.
I like Transnational bus, as i think it is a trusted company which enforce certain speed limit on its driver, so it actually take longer time to reach your destination, but it is a safe choice, and the bus is clean.
Ticket to Batu Pahat is RM15.50 + RM4.70(30% surcharge) + RM0.10 = RM20.30
For inquiries on bus ticket availability, you can try numbers below, but you can’t make any booking, have to go there in person to secure a ticket.
03-2078 2563
03-2070 3300


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