Glutton’s Street(Jalan Peng Kai), Batu Pahat

Posted by vivien | Others | Wednesday 26 November 2008 12:43 am
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Famous Belacan Mee Hoon, but we didn’t try:P
Glutton’s street is filled with hawker fair on dinner time. Street name is Jalan Peng Kai in Batu Pahat.
We had claypot chicken rice, made on the spot, see the boiling foam of rice…
looks delicious, but actually it is just so so, chicken is soft pasar chicken.
Tapao something back for supper, being greedy…
stalls looking dowdy and unhygenic, but i am craving fish head mee hoon, so… It taste horribly fishy.
another stall nearby, only know on the next day that both the fish head noodle stall and this oyster omelette stall is famous in serving bad food
Want to try this someday: pig innards soup and yam rice. I don’t fancy pig innards but like the pig stomach and peperish soup.
I think this Teck Chung chicken rice restaurant is famous, they is one stall of the same name at the opposite side of the road, had it 2 days ago, not bad not bad 😉


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