Pavlova (meringue based cake by Nigella Lawson)

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Saturday 17 January 2009 12:25 pm
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i am making this pavlova basing on Nigella Lawson’s recipe. It was for my colleague birthday and also an opportunity to make them my guinea pig… haha… anyway, this is my first time making a meringue based cake. Above shown is 6 egg whites ready for beating.
beat until the egg white is stiff, and when held upside down it will not drip down, fantastic isn’t it… 😛
spread the egg white on a baking sheet, make it a round disc shape.
bake it in oven of 150Celcius, but preheated to 180C initially. This is the part where i got nervous, the egg white seems to spread over the whole tray and look so flat… anyway, it is browning nicely.
finished product
take the meringue out of baking tray and let it cool completely.
Whipping cream which i am using – Arla’s , one of these (200ml) cost RM6.70, cheapest whipping cream i can find, i am using 2 packs for this cake.
whip the cream
continue whipping, it will become creamier
finished whipping, it should look thick and able to mounted on top of cake without being runny.
halves strawberry, and shaves some baking chocolate on top. Here i am shaving some cadbury milk chocolate on top.
tada, finished product. look nice right?
taste is not bad, could be better. I wish the meringue base in higher. meringue taste crispy outside and mashmallowy inside. Yeah success! 🙂


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