Seafood Aglio Olio

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 15 February 2009 11:27 am
13,897 Total Views

So i did celebrate Valentine’s. Wanted to go Daidomon, their RM68++ ala carte was so good, the big scallop, BBQ oyster etc etc etc, but it is fully booked for dinner, so i cooked. Above is Seafood Aglio Olio with shrimps and cuttlefish. It is actually better than i anticipated. Recipe taken from More than Words. With the addition of some dried chili and using normal salt instead of sea salt.
Fresh Egypt strawberry. Pretty cheap in carrefour, 250g box cost only RM4.99. They are huge and not sour too.
and haagen daz belgian chocolate ice cream, a time for some chocolate indulgence.
So there you go, last year was spent eating Pan Mee, the one in Jinjang, not that i am complaining as last year is a weekday and also i love Pan Mee, can eat it breakfast, dinner… quite against eating out during Valentine’s due to the crowd, and paying so much to get food churn out in bulk, in the name of love, just my thought.


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