New Paris Restaurant, SS2

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Thursday 19 March 2009 11:15 am
12,763 Total Views

In celebration of Frederick and Serene’s birthday which falls on the month of March. We went to this restaurant in SS2 famed for serving dishes in minutes.
kitchen full of cooks
buttered prawn, RM52
belacan kang kung, RM12
“3 superstar” (3 type of veges) RM20

pork ribs, RM20
fried baby squid , RM20
claypot toufu, RM30
chicken with watermelon, RM18, doesn’t taste good although it is one of their specialty and look the part too.
steam fish, RM60
overall, there are hits and misses, and the fare taste mostly average, most notable is their fast service, they can serve all dishes within about 15 minutes (longer time for the steamed fish)
Address: New Paris Restaurant
No. 62, 64 & 66, Jalan SS2/72,
47300 Petaling Jaya
03-7955 9180
03-7955 0186
Price: 5% service charge
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  1. Comment by Julian Si — March 19, 2009 @ 11:16 pm

    Alas the food at NEW PARIS got worse and worse since my first visit in ’06 … I no longer patronise this place!

    ps – Nice blog!!

  2. Comment by Maryanne — September 13, 2011 @ 11:58 pm

    Been there many times and thought the food and price is good until I saw this thing.

    A lot of ppl order champagne chicken with watermenon, did you know a lot of table with left over either watermelon or chicken. What would the staff do ??? They mix to a new plate, pour and serve as new and charge to us. (My son saw these as he was purging and frequently stroll to toilet and saw this).

    On our table the champagne chicken is too hard to chew and tasteless.

    We have two table and 3 big pot of rice can’t cater for us and we ask for 4 pot of rice. (Only two woman in this two table, all of them are my brother in law family or my family). Eventually the lady boss charge us RM20 per pot of rice. And since they charge us so high, I took my container to fill in the rest of the left over rice (for my dog) and the lady boss charge me for extra RM5. She mention if I didn’t ta pao, she would take the pot of rice for fried rice purpose. And when I ask her, When she charge RM20 per pot of rice, what mistake do I have to ta pao. She mention that she is the owner, she can charge according to her liking. Which make all my family member “boycot” this restaurant in our future visit.

    After paying the bill, my husband bump to his old friend with his family and tell them about our experience and exchange the receipt, and this restaurant charge different on rice as they charge RM1.20 per head of rice to his old friend bill.

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