Camera Survey Among Food Bloggers

Posted by vivien | Journal | Wednesday 1 April 2009 11:38 am
12,681 Total Views

Thank you for all who responded to my mail on what camera they are using for their FOOD blog… haha, i am considering to get a new camera albeit not in a rush to get it. Based on 163 who responded. 163! i had gone through the list roughly and below are few camera which i consider to buy, firstly i filtered out food blogs of photos which i like, from there, crossing out all the camera which is more than 500g, seriously even 300g is quite heavy, my current Optio weight only 98g.

In no particular order:
1. Phnomenon: food in Cambodia, using Olympus C-740UZ(weight 295g, ISO up to 400)
2. A Southern Grace, using Olympus Stylus 830(weight 125g, ISO up to1600)
3. Farmgirl Fare, using Canon Powershot A630(weight 235g, ISO up to 800)
4. Flour Arrangement, using Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28K(weight 372g, ISO up to 5400)
5. Sounding My Barbaric Gulp, using Canon PowerShot A620(weight 285g, ISO up to 400)
A lot of the local Malaysia food blog do take good photos too, but almost all of these use DSLR which is too heavy for me to carry around.
Some advices given by food bloggers: get camera with higher ISO(to take good food photos for reason unknown to me), tripod, cardboard to reflect light, don’t use flash(didn’t know that, no wonder my photo looks so harsh and washed out)
Many of them recommend Panasonic Lumix which is more expensive, and more than 50% are using Canon. But i felt like i am leaning more towards Olympus Stylus 830, which is small and the photos do look quite DSLR, excuse me a newbie in photography, but the photo in A Southern Grace does looks like it has depth, not a flat picture.
Do leave your comments here, quite interesting to discuss camera choices among food bloggers… haha



  1. Comment by mimid3vils — April 2, 2009 @ 4:53 am

    I just bought my new camera on Jan – Canon 1000D

  2. Comment by thule a.k.a leo — April 3, 2009 @ 12:41 am

    just decide on your budget and then only decide on which camera to buy.. my personal experience is that Canon’s digital camera is second to none.. my experience with other brands such as Nikon, Pentax, Olympus and Sony has convinced me that the picture quality of Canon’s Digic 4 technology really helps in bringing out the vividness and vibrancy of photo…

  3. Comment by Pei-Lin — April 3, 2009 @ 1:46 am


    Stumbled upon your blog through blog-hopping. Glad to know another fellow Malaysian who thinks about food day in and day out. As someone who is learning more about food photography and styling, I’d say that not just the quality of the camera itself is important, the photographer’s understanding of his/her camera is also important. And, they were right: no flash–natural lighting is the best. Use a white board or a large cardboard that’s wrapped in aluminum foil to reflect light on the other side that doesn’t receive any lighting. Don’t use auto-focus function.

    If don’t have tripod, make sure your hands are steady while taking pics, which is something I’ve been doing. High ISO definitely helps take fantastic photos. Also, styling is important. Of course, mine aren’t as impressive as the ones by Bea of http://www.latartine.gourmande and Helene of But then, make sure the setting isn’t messy because it really can turn the viewer’s appetite off.

    I’m actually using a Nikon point-and-shoot. And I’ve found out that, as long as you know your camera well, decent photos are possible. It’s not to say that you can only have good photos with just Canon.

    But as a point-and-shoot user, I’m considering and hoping to get myself a DSLR in sometime to come–a Nikon one specifically as I’m more used to the functions of Nikon cameras, not because I dislike Canons, Olympus and etc. Well, I guess that’s it from me. You can view my photos at … Hope all these help. Happy blogging!

  4. Comment by Pei-Lin — April 3, 2009 @ 2:01 am


    One more important thing to add to th previous post: edit the photos during the “post-production stage.” Happy makan-makan arr!


  5. Comment by s.H.u.Y.|.n.G — April 3, 2009 @ 11:19 pm

    i used nikon d60 now.. and i love my new dslr..previously i used Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX9.. i love my previous camera too.. very friendly used~
    support peilin’s comment.. as long u know well on ur camera, u will get nice photo~

  6. Comment by Jason Wong — April 7, 2009 @ 2:10 am

    Ho jiak,

    I am using both DSLR(E-510) and Point-and-Shoot(FE330) cameras. Both are Olympus due to the natural colors that I get, but focusing would slightly slower compared to Canon.

    If you are looking for lighter DSLR, maybe you can try Olympus D-410 which is a smaller and lighter version of my E-510. Or may want to wait for their Micro DSLR.

    A good photo comes from the person behind the view finder, and not totally from the camera. If you could use a cheaper and lower grade camera to produce good photos, why not?! Skills are more important.

  7. Comment by Allie — April 10, 2009 @ 5:53 am

    Higher ISO helps you to take good picture in low lighting place. But take note of the noise though. Just my one cent worth of point of view. 😛

  8. Comment by cooknengr — April 10, 2009 @ 12:38 pm

    Hi, go for Canon SD1100.

    As a food blogger I narrowed my choice down to SD1000 (now obsolete, new one is SD1100 ls) and Olympus compacts because of their fast start up speed and form factor. Let face it, sometime we are like thieves, restaurant owners may not be too kind to photo taking patrons, especially when you are zooming in on a dead bug in a bowl of Penang Teochew Chendol. Most thinks that we are trying to copy their recipt or menu… I remember on several occation, esp Chinak retauranteers told me their food or menu is "patented".

    Price wise, Canon is a lot cheaper than Olympus, my sister just bought one for $115 USD.Plus, Olympus uses more expensive micro XD card(3x more expensive than SD). Also, Canon SD1100 use hte same microprocessor as the dSLR.

    The only good thing about Olympus 803 is the all weather feature"it still works after you dropped it in a bow of Tomyam soup".

  9. Comment by Thanis — April 10, 2009 @ 7:14 pm

    Sorry for replying late to your camera question. Atm I’m using the Fujifilm Finepix f31d and it’s compact for me to bring everywhere.

    Worked well for me and has been my travel companion. Takes pictures very well even during clubbing 😉

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