Crystal Jade Kitchen(Pavilion Shopping Mall)

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Saturday 9 May 2009 5:56 am
9,955 Total Views

Update (08-FEB-2014: Crystal Jade is no longer in Pavillion, it is now replaced by Dragon-I restaurant)

Teng2 Zai2 Porridge(Cantonese) with fish, cuttlefish, chicken, peanuts, spring onion, ginger, really really good, this portion is big enough for big eater like me, RM8.80
Mango Cream with Sago and Pomelo, really good too,  RM8, lots of pomelo and the mango cream has nice mango aroma, good stuff, cheaper and much better than the dissapointing one in HK Dessert House, Kepong.
Braised peanuts served here is not complementary, but charged at RM3, suspects it is canned peanuts… hehe…
Address: Crystal Jade Kitchen(Pavilion)
Lot 1, 17.00, Level 1 Pavilion,
168, Jln Bukit Bintang,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Telephone: 03-2148 9115


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