
Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Thursday 11 June 2009 11:02 am
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Kiehl’s is an American brand that made landing in Malaysia just this past year (i think), first flagship store in Pavillion and currently they have a store in MidValley Shopping Center, ground floor (near Vincci shoe store). I was looking for moisturiser for the face, and they recommended me 4 choices, and gave me 4 samples(2 are made from Yerba Mate(green colored packets) and 2 others).
The ones they recommended are:
1. Yerba Mate Tea Lotion, alright (cost RM150 i think)
2. Yerba Mate Gel Cream, a bit too rich for me
3. Sodium PCA Oil Free Moisturizer, the name of this product enough to freak some ppl out i guess, i mean it is like what kind of chemical am i putting onto my face?! but it really feel “humectant” just as it claim, it forms a film over your skin, and probably a good barrier between skin and make up
4. Ultra Facial Moisturizer, feel like a good normal moisturiser, also because i think it is expensive too
Skincare, healthcare, health supplements are probably the most profitable business of all, i mean how do i ever knows it works, and even that i have to spend so much to find out… especially skincare, with all the claims of certain products, and promises to reduce dark circles, fine lines, it is like does it really work… who knows it is just some beautiful words to pander to every girls dream to be young and beautiful.
Also, currently Vichy is on promotion till 14 June 2009, in Watson, 20-30% off, this is a brand which i tried before, not mistaken it is a Montreal-Canadian/French brand… ah i am so unwilling to part with $$ for… :S hahaha
Anyway, just in case you want to try Kiehl’s products, they are now giving out samples, go get some ;P



  1. Comment by ai wei — June 11, 2009 @ 10:22 pm

    ahhh, i shud have walk in for samples before buying the moisturizer last sun in MV.

    do agree with u, i tried some eye cream/gel to reduce dark circles. dunno why, there is no effect on me. sighhh

  2. Comment by Vivien — June 12, 2009 @ 3:17 am

    hehe, which one you bought? just came back from Kiehl again, seems like my skin type: dry/combination/oily suitable to use only the

    1. Yerba Mate Lotion (RM150!) or
    2. the scarily name Sodium PCA (RM70 only wor)

    the other 2 yerba mate gel cream and ultra moisturizer suitable for dry skin and are too rich me, i felt the same after using the samples too.

    in the end i got myself an Eucerin (RM37)… haha

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