Papa John’s, Berjaya Time Square

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Sunday 19 July 2009 11:47 am
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After dining in Papa John’s in Berjaya Time Square, i still not understand what the hype about Krispy Kreme and Papa John’s is all about, as i find their fare to be mediocre, probably american food doesn’t really suit my tastebuds 😛
We had the set for 2 person, above thi bread stick served with pizza sauce
Texas heat, pizza with sliced jalapeno pepper, not a hint of spiciness, just sourish taste 😛
I find their pizza to be mediocre, although it is healthier than the oiler Pizza Hut, their specialty of serving you whole jalapeno pepper, pizza sauce and garlic sauce. I find their garlic sauce to be more of melted butter with garlic, not very pleasing to my palate… This whole meal + tax add up just short of RM30.
Address: Papa John’s (near Bukit Bintang area)
Berjaya Time Square
Ground floor Lot G 07-08,
Berjaya Time Square,
No.1 Jalan Imbi,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Telephone: 03-2141 7272
Website: Papa Johns
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  1. Comment by Wandering Gourmet — July 21, 2009 @ 3:15 am

    Hmm… their pizza doesn't look that great! 🙁 I don't think it's very American either. That's a shame the food wasn't very good – but I guess at least we now know to avoid Papa John's!

  2. Comment by J2Kfm — July 27, 2009 @ 11:24 am

    strange enough, i kinda like their pizzas, as their dough's better. softer, chewy though the cheese's somewhat lacking.

    the jalapeno pepper is pickled, and the garlic mayo goes well with the crust, or the optional sides of cheese sticks.

  3. Comment by JoeDevil — August 23, 2009 @ 3:55 am

    agree with J2Kfm, their pizzas are best so far in the same category. Distinctive and unique enough to differentiate from other pizza chains, at least not another 'awful' pizza! Please >*_*<

    Wandering Gourmet, suggest you check them out… worse case, you don't go back. :p

    Bon appetite!

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