Klang Valley Food Hunt 2009

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Friday 18 September 2009 3:55 pm
11,888 Total Views

Klang Valley Food Hunt is happening next month

Flag off Location: National Science Centre, Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur

Date: Saturday, October 3, 2009

Registration: 6:30am!

Flag Off: 8:30am

This event is organised RASA RASA and Time Out Solutions. RM20,000 worth of prizes for the top 20 teams. Registration for each participant is RM90(RM20 discount for Maxis user), each team(ie each car) can consist 2-4 person. Limited to 120 teams/cars.

Closing date for registration: September 28, 2009. Entry form can be download from www.rasarasa.net or www.timeoutsolutions.com or call 03-5621 4818.

Main sponsor is Maxis, other sponsors include Jobstreet.com, Sunrise, TMS, Nestle Nesvita, Country Farm Organics, Taylor’s College and myNEWS.com.

Previous 2 years food hunt organised by rasa-rasa was in Penang, this is the first year is held in KL, good for KL foodies. This year theme is “Going by mobile” whereby participants have to use Maxis SMS based location finder directory. Basically is like sending text message(ex: “Pan Mee”) to 301(number of the FINDER service), and they will send back the nearest places where you can have “Pan Mee”, and you can continue reply back to 301, they will send you back another sms containing more details and google map(provided you phone is 3G enabled, otherwise you will just get a http link of the google map)

Originally wanted to join this with a friend, but after finding out there is no reimbursement of petrol, 3G and this hunt will probably take 6-7 hours, and i am terrible in solving riddles, therefore decided not to join this treasure hunt.

Also, FYI, they have no ruling on GPS usage and not all routes are halal.( they have some routes to accomodate Muslim participants)

Anyone joining?

Post by other blogger on Food Hunt 2008 organised by RasaRasa:




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