An attempt to make chocolate puddle cookie from 101 Cookbooks. Actually made it twice. First time, i misread and beat the egg white till stiff peak stage, but actually the recipe specify mixing in the egg white as is.
First Attempt:-
Left: Cocoa powder + sea salt + walnut(toasted, cooled and roughly chopped).
Right: cocoa powder + sea salt + walnut all mixed up.

Left: Egg white beaten till almost stiff peak stage, anyway above is 2 egg white with about 150g of caster sugar. (i halved the recipe, also original recipe specify icing sugar which is not available at home, so caster will do, anyway, caster melted while beating the egg white…)
Right: fold in the egg white with a dash of vanilla

all fold in

oops, the recipe in 101 Cookbooks doesn’t look like this, why are mine so puffed up and big?

Left: second batch of “chocolate meringue”
Right: finished product, after 15 minutes baking time

Left: peel the chocolate meringue off baking sheet, it will be better to peel it off after being cooled for a while, else it easily break into pieces
Right: left on wire rack to be cooled completely.

Second attempt:-
Left: measuring all the ingredients, icing sugar this time on the scale
Right: cocoa powder + walnut + icing + sea salt all mixed up. Then put in 2 egg white into the mixture

Left: look more like what is in 101 Cookbook, don’t overbake these, else it will harden and stick to the baking sheet.
Right: finished product, peel it off the baking paper after cooled for a while, else it will break apart while peeling the baking sheet off.

Chocolate puddle cookie. Actually prefer my variation of beating the egg while to almost stiff peak. Chocolate meringue style is less cloying, more crispy/airy, and guilt-free tasting. Whereas chocolate puddle cookie is more gooey, sticky, looks extremely chocolatey(although i use the same amount of cocoa powder for both attempt) and actually taste sweeter to me, probably due to the more “compact” style, suitable for days when you just want to munch on something sweet, comfort cookie.