Mighty Macaron Baking Class by Rohani Jelani, Bayan Indah Culinary Resort, Sungai Pencala(near TTDI/Damansara Perdana)

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Saturday 19 June 2010 1:53 am
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Went for Rohani Jelani’s class using a gift voucher given by friend, macaron have always fascinates me and it is THE dessert that i wish i could make and it is also the one recipe which i will not want to venture in on my own, it just looks so impeccably fine and delicate. Heard of the famous macaron from France’s Pierre Herme’s store and upscaled bakery store in Paris called Lauduree, finally putting my hands on macaron making. Before this day, i only had macaron once, i think bought from Delicious in 1 Utama, and have never thought of making them because it just seems to far out of my league. With the experienced and cool chef like Rohani, i managed to make one batch successfully, smooth top, and with “foot”

Above is kitchen in Bayan Indah
dining hall next to kitchen

another view of dining hall

left: pathway

right: fish pond

Rohani let us eat macaron before we even made them, these above she made previous day. They are coffee and green tea(foreground); plain and orange(background)

ingredients needed for making macaron are all weight exactly and layed out for us.

Left: fold in the almond+icing sugar into beaten egg white.

Right: put into piping bag

I made pistachio flavor macaron with ginger buttercream

Left: almond meal + grounded pistachio mixed with beaten egg white

Right: into piping bag

My tray of piped pistachio macaron

coffee macaron made by others

Left: boiling sugar syrup

Right: sugar syrup boiling hard

Left: egg yolk for making buttercream

Right: pour boiling sugar syrup in a slow and steady stream

Finished basic butter cream, there is loads of butter going into this, it doesn’t taste like butter however, just taste deliciously creamy and nice, I didn’t even know i had down 4 macarons with loads of butter in it during tasting time… hahaha, they are just delicious, maybe a little too sweet, however this is how macaron suppose to be: sweet and very colorful, the sweetness can’t be help as it need sugar to hold its structure… making macaron is like science, everything must be exact and precise.

Left: My tray all baked within 14 minutes

Right: all easy lifted up from baking sheet, they don’t stick 🙂

Closed up, the have nice foot, perhaps next time should have thicker ones and have higher “feet”… hehe…

Basic butter cream, mix the minced ginger into it

Finished product: ginger buttercream filled pistachio macaron, so pretty!

Some other people making coffee macaron with luscious vanilla buttercream, with speckles of real vanilla beans

Cute as a button rose water flavor macaron filled with lychee buttercream and chocolate ones filled with orange buttercream

Left: my take home pack

Right: yummy nyonya styled fish with nasi dagang provided for us 🙂

Macaron is not an easy thing to make, it is more than meet the eye recipe, and weighing each ingredients accurately, most importantly the techniques which is best learnt thru hands on experience.

Some references on making macaron:

Not Derby Pie

David Lebovitz

La Tartine Gourmande

Veronica’s Test Kitchen experiment on macaron and caramel fleur de sel macaron at Kitchen Musings

Post by other blogger:

what’s up with J?

Babe in the City – KL

KLue magazine

Izreen’s Incidental Issues

Address: Lot3343, Kg Palimbayan Indah, Sungai Penchala (near TTDI/Damansara Perdana etc)

Website: Rohani Jelani



  1. Comment by taufulou — June 21, 2010 @ 2:53 pm

    i have been addicted to macarons lately..die!~

  2. Comment by atleastcubarasa — October 9, 2012 @ 11:12 pm

    hi there..
    i was looking for macarons and here i am typing a comment in your posting. before this i was a bit confuse on what is macaron with macaroon (the one used to be called coconut macaroon). i taste the macarons and to my surprised it is quite sweet/sugary. can’t find outlet that sells coconut macaroon. do you know where i can find it?

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