Beauty Expo 2010 and Epicure Malaysia 2010

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Sunday 19 September 2010 11:51 pm
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Beauty10 Expo, they have a hair competition going on. The traffic inside the fair is not as congested as last year, perhaps due to them charging RM10 entrance fee. Just browsing, nothing much interesting, they have some cheap hair curlers, sheet mask, eye mask, nail polishes etc. My previus post on Beauty9 Expo


elegant lady with heavy hair piece


Chilis Menu, heard that Chilis in KLCC is better than other branches, so we went ahead, sure enough there is a 20-30minutes wait.


Rockin Jack Nachos with jalapeno pepper, sour cream, tomato salsa (plus extra order of  guacamole) ~ RM25, satisfying cheesy, enough to feed two.


Epicure Malaysia 2010 in Sime Darby Convention Centre. Definition of Epicure from google: a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink). Find the fair to be small, just like last time i went which is year 2008, and low profile, not much publicity of this fair. My previous post on Epicure Malaysia 2008

Website: Beauty10 Expo & Epicure Malaysia 2010

Post by other blogger:

three.six.nine Beauty Expo 2010

Whatever stuffs in my life beauty expo

Vonvon’s Interest: Epicure Malaysia 2010

The Ranting Cynic: Epicure Malaysia 2010

Vision KL: Epicure Malaysia 2010



  1. Comment by taufulou — September 20, 2010 @ 10:20 am

    eh, it was 1 or 2 months ago rite?

  2. Comment by taufulou — September 20, 2010 @ 10:21 am

    aiks..confuse with this and the 1 in KLCC eh..:D

  3. Comment by Vivien — September 20, 2010 @ 5:27 pm

    the beauty fair is in KL Convention centre 17-20 September 2010, whereas Epicure 2010 is in Sime Darby Convention Center 17-19 September 2010

  4. Comment by synical — September 21, 2010 @ 10:20 am

    Hi, just dropping by 🙂

    I didn’t know there was a beauty fair happening the same weekend, but I’d feel cheated paying an entrance fee to see that.

    I think if they promoted Epicure Malaysia any more, there might not be a lot of food to be sampled, then they might as well also have it in a bigger venue.

    Thanks for the link love.

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