US Online Shopping using Comgateway DHL Delivery service, deliver to Malaysia

Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Monday 20 September 2010 9:03 pm
28,987 Total Views

CSN Store approached me to write a sponsored post(the post is kinda sneaky eh, it looks like something i would write but it is actually sponsored…haha…), and in turn gave me US$6o gift certificate to be used on their online store – CSN Stores, at first not sure what to get, but later decided on a digital scale by Kitrics, it is the cheapest digital kitchen scale in their website at US$19.99, and a Icing/Piping bag by Fox Run(at US$29.99), adding up some delivery fee to be almost US$60. One downside is they only deliver to Canada/USA address.

For some time, i have been wanting to try to buy clothes etc from US sites and have it shipped to Malaysia, having researched the shipping rate from US to Malaysia, also missing the days of buying stuff from Ebay Canada, Malaysian ebay just full of nothing 😛 …Having registered for Comgateway but never used it, this is the chance to try out comgateway without spending $$ on shopping, and just pay for delivery charge from US to Malaysia.

Below my review using ComGateway. The reason i use such service because CSN store only ship to US and Canada. Comgateway will give you a US address(in Oregon state) after online registeration, and you get to use this US address as your shipping address when shopping in US sites. This is useful for shopping in site which doesn’t do international shipping or ship to Malaysia.


Above is Comgateway user interface. They will send a notification email once any package reaches your US Address. They is 2 packages as above, clicking on “Track” will redirect you to DHL delivery tracking system.


For each package, they is an volumetric weight, actual weight and chargeable weight. Volumetric weight is the dimension of the package box, “Chargeable weight” is the nearest greater 0.5kg of the greater weight value(volumetric weight & actual weight). It is advisable to ask your supplier/shopping site to pack the package to be as small as possible so that the volumetric weight will be low. My icing nozzle set in actual is only 0.34kg only, but it is packed in a big box causing the volumetric to be 1.17kg -_-“, and thus chargeable weight became 1.5kg


Above is DHL Tracking. It is actually considerably cheaper to ship stuff to Singapore than Malaysia, as base charge for SG is less, but i can’t wait to receive my packages


2 packages


Kitchen scale packed in a bubble envelope, with Tare function, and also able to weigh in gram/ounce, only US$19.99!


See, the icing nozzle packed in a super huge box stuff with bubble foam and paper, i think the stanless steel nozzle will have no problem surviving in a bubble wrap envelope


contains 4 cloth piping bag and 7 18/8 stainless steel tips, time for some macaron experimenting, reason i bought the above 2 items also because wish to make macaron in a more precise and better way.

Overall, i am satisfy with Comgateway service, because they consolidate charges, meaning, i only have to pay base charge of US$ 20.75 once for my 2 package, not sure other forwarder do the same. Every subsequent 0.5kg is US$3.25. Total $30.5 plus obout $US1 of insurance, total about US$31.50(almost RM100) for shipping charge, paid using PayPal

Reference site:

Comgateway, they send item using reliable DHL service

Vpost, popular service provided by Singapore Post for buying stuff from US, i think

Other than the popular one above, they are also Borderlinx, vsHub, Tarazz, Bizsouq



  1. Comment by kroll — May 17, 2012 @ 6:29 pm

    HI Vivien,

    how about tax? were you taxed when the goods arrived in Malaysia??

  2. Comment by vivien — May 20, 2012 @ 8:35 pm

    Hi Kroll,
    I bought mostly clothes and shoes and i didn’t get tax, and each shipment is around USD150, not sure about electronics or if the shipment is of higher value though

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