Recipe: Chocolate hazelnut biscotti

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 15 January 2012 10:04 pm
22,061 Total Views


Chocolate Hazelnut biscotti recipe taken from Smitten Kitchen, biscotti is a twice baked cookie. Above is toasted hazelnut with skin removed, dry ingredients(flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, nescafe powder and salt), 4 eggs and sugar.


My tiffany blue coloured recipe book stand.


After mixing eggs, sugar and dry ingredients, press the hazelnut into the very sticky dough. Be prepared to work with well floured hands and work surface


Bake the biscotti till firm and ready to be cut

Biscotti-5Lazy me cut it very thick so that i can bake it at one go, it tasted more of texture between bread and cookie.

Mixed reviews, some say very nice, but i find it terrible I find it terrible as it is thick and not crunchy. Biscotti should be thin and crunchy. The taste is not bad though.


1 Comment

  1. Comment by SmittenByFood — January 28, 2012 @ 5:41 pm

    Oooo… i love biscotti. It goes perfectly with a good cup of coffee! =)

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