Recipe: Yogurt Cake

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Friday 20 April 2012 10:28 pm
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Venture into this recipe: Yoghurt cake with skepticism, the ingredients looks simple and pretty much anticipate it to be a simple plain cake, recipe taken from The Kitchn. Although even the famous french blogger Clotilde from Chocolate & Zucchini wrote a post on how wonderful yogurt cake is and how easy it is to make it that it is often the first cake French kids learn to make. My hopes still aren’t high, i am thinking it will resemble a plain sponge, maybe a good sponge, but still a plain one as there is no distinct flavouring, mainly yogurt and some ground nutmeg. But i am surprised at how lovely it taste especially on the next day when the crusty top has soften, and can really taste the soft texture of this cake, a good cake without strong buttery/milky taste of butter cake, as it is made with olive oil. Yum~ A keeper.

Above is wet ingredients

370g container of Sunglo yogurt (recipe calls for about 360g, so i didn’t scrape the yogurt container clean…)

140g olive oil (i used extra virgin olive oil which is the only type available at home)

190g sugar (as usual, i use less sugar, recipe originally calls for about 230g)

350g flour

i used very little freshly ground nutmeg due to not knowing whether it will be overpowering (can use more next time)


Pour into spring form pan or any type of pan with bottom lined with baking paper and side slightly greased


Doesn’t look pretty, still not knowing how wonderful this cake taste 😛


Put on rack for cooling


Nice caramelized colour, i find this cake tasted ok when warm, best eaten when completely cool or even the next day. The texture remain soft and yummy on the next day.


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