Recipe: 3 chocolate chips cookie recipes

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Saturday 6 October 2012 10:36 am
44,621 Total Views

Made choc chips cookies from 3 recipes as below:

1) New York Times Chocolate Chips Cookie (recipe from Two Peas & Their Pod)

2) Anna Olsen’s Chocolate Chips Coookie (recipe from Apple A Day)

3) recipe from The Way the Cookie Crumbles (adapted from nearly every single chocolate chip cookie recipe that she ever read)

The clear winner for me from the above 3 is New York Times 36hours-rest-in-fridge recipe, this NYT version is harder and thicker whereas Anna Olsen’s is more crumbly and thin (resulting in bigger cookie in terms of diameter). The Way the Cookie Crumbles’ is my least favorite as it is most crumbly among 3 recipe and very cakey and not cookie-like in terms of texture.


Cookie dough has to be chilled in fridge for 24 to 36 hours before being baked, don’t mind the 36 hours waiting period at all, as it split out the workload into more manageable during weeknights. Although i made the cookie much smaller than directed, it still has the crispy edges and chewy center texture. I halved the recipe and reduced the brown sugar from 140g to 70g, it is still a tad sweet, sugar can be slightly reduced. All together halved recipe yields 32 cookie.

Below the halved recipe in metric measurement (Oops i actually forgot whether i used 70g brown + 115g caster or 70g caster + 115 g brown sugar, the below should be the correct one, but the cookie look so brown ?!)

New York Times Chocolate Chip Cookies (Yield: 32 cookies)

120g cake flour
120g bread flour
1/2 plus 1/8 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoons coarse salt
140g unsalted butter
70g light brown sugar
115g granulated sugar
1 large eggs
1 teaspoons natural vanilla extract
190g bittersweet chocolate chips
Sea salt


My fridge is too cold, making the cookie dough very hard, almost ice-cream like hard. Have to warm it in room temp for 15 minutes or so before scooping it out onto baking tray.


mounts of cookie dough with sprinkles of seasealt




Colleague commented it tasted like Famous Amos’ which i find is quite similar, it is cookie hard without being too crumbly, slightly soft and chewy in the center as it is supposed to be.


Anna Olsen’s recipe


butter and sugars


add egg


yields 31 cookies, i find the cookie more soft and crumbly, could be due to high ratio of brown sugar over caster sugar.


last recipe from blogger Bridget from The Way the Cookie Crumbles


Had to buy an expensive high protein flour from supermarket. Should have bought some from bakery shop to stock at home


Cookie dough


Made 19 cookies


a bit too much of sea salt on some, crumbly and cake-like in texture, my least favourite.



  1. Comment by Nymphadora — January 2, 2013 @ 4:58 pm

    I’ve tried Anna Olsen’s chocolate chip cookies recipe before. Tastewise….it was good. But all cookies turned out flat. tried using grease paper but still became flat.

    Your NY Times cookies look delicious and pretty. love the shape. Will try that recipe soon 🙂

  2. Comment by vivien — January 2, 2013 @ 8:28 pm

    i think NY Times recipe is not flat due to it being “frozen” in the fridge for few days, try it, really nice.

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