Humble Chef, Plaza Damansara, Damansara Heights

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Wednesday 27 February 2013 9:20 pm
23,245 Total Views


Humble Chef has 2 locations, both in Damansara. One is food truck near Damansara Help University, the other is a corner shop front in Plaza Damansara (see above)



Seafood Aglio Olio (RM5), Lamb Cabonara(RM5) and Fried Laksa.

Don’t like the cabonara as it tasted more milk than cream. The fried laksa is quite spicy and nice. The prawns are bouncy tasty could be due to some chemical. Their lamb bolognese which i tasted in their food truck previously is very nice, thick tomato & slightly cheesy sauce.

Address : The Humble Chef Shop
54, Plaza Damansara, Jalan Medan Setia 2,
Damansara Heights, 59100 Kuala Lumpur
GPS : N03 08.953′ E101 39.234′

Business Hour : 12pm – 3pm / 6:30pm – 11:30pm
Tel : 014-229 6854 (Rosman)

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Recipe: Pumpkin Cake

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Wednesday 27 February 2013 9:04 pm
24,055 Total Views


Very high expectation for a recipe called “Best Pumpkin Cake Ever” from Confessions of a City Eater.


Since Libby’s canned pumpkin is expensive here, bought a 1.2 kg pumpkin which after peeled and deseeded become only 650g


Sieve the steamed pumpkin for finer texture, it is so difficult, i think i took half an hour or more for this


5 small eggs instead of 4 eggs specified


Done, after around an hour of baking time as the inside of the cake is very moist and wet even after it reach the 30 minutes specified baking time.


It looks very dense, but taste is nice. Nonetheless this is definitely not the best pumpkin cake and it is terrible extremely oily!


Recipe: Cream Cheese Chiffon Cake

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Wednesday 27 February 2013 8:54 pm
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30,828 Total Views


Recipe from Cooking Pleasure, above is flour +butter + cheese + milk




egg white


After beating the egg white till slightly frothy, add sugar tablespoonful at a time


The egg white looks ok when i finished beating it till soft peak, but it turns slightly watery and slide around in the mixing bowl when i started mixing into the egg-cheese-flour mixture. At the end, the finished batter is very watery and leave no “bump” on top, cake is practically level on top by itself


See, some of the water batter seeps from bottom of pan. Above is finished baked cake (in about 35 minutes) flipped over vinegar bottle



Surprisingly, the texture is very nice, and the cake is moist!

With barely noticable cream cheese, just feels like a nice moist chiffon cake, recomended. Normally chiffon which i made are not memorable, but this is kinda memorable 😛


Recipe: Pumpkin Pie

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 17 February 2013 9:43 pm
21,808 Total Views

Pastry (recipe from Savour Fare)
6 oz. (170g) flour
½ tsp. salt
4 oz. (113g) butter, frozen, cut into cubes.
2 oz. (57g or more) ice water
340g flour
1 tsp. salt
226g butter, frozen, cut into cubes.
114g or more ice water

Filling: (recipe from Serious Eats)
15 ounces (425g) pumpkin puree
11 ounces (312g) evaporated milk
125 grams light brown sugar
1 tablespoon ground ginger
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
pinch of salt
2 eggs, 2 egg yolks


A bar of Anchor unsalted butter, 340g of flour and 1 teaspoon of salt is just right to making 2 batch of pie pastry, one to be stored in freezer for future use.

One tip from other website is to grate frozen butter into flour, and this i find have to be done in an air con room just cause the heat and humidity from Malaysia will melt the butter and make them stick together.


butter mixed into flour, now to mix some ice water to complete the dough. Use spatula to fold water to prevent melting of the butter “flakes” in flour. Form into a disc, wrap in plastic wrap and chill until firm. (about 20 minutes to 2 hours)


After resting the dough in fridge, put the dough between 2 greaseproof paper and flour the dough so that it doesn’t stick to the paper, i used a white vinegar bottle as a makeshift rolling pin, works well for me. Peel off the parchment/greaseproof paper and flip it over constantly, adding more flour to prevent stickiness. Do this in an aircon room to prevent melting butter.


Quarter fold the dough and move it to a pie plate. I used a springform pan with detachable bottom


lay the dough, make sure not to stretch it to prevent shrinkage in the oven which will break the dough. Chill the pastry before baking (at least 15 minutes)


Prick all over with a fork (bottom and sides of pastry) Line with parchment paper, and fill with pie weights(rice/beans). Brush with egg white halfway through baking to harden bottom of dough. The pastry have shrank much after baking. And fortunately the pastry doesn’t stick to the pan even though i didn’t butter the pan due to high fat content of the pastry which cause butter to drip down from bottom of the springform pan onto base of oven.

Bake at 215C for 16 minutes (the crust should be pale gold, and dry to the touch) I don’t know why, mine turns out very oily


at the same time, steam one pumpkin, here is about 400g of pumpkin


after blitzing all the fillings, should have sieve the pumpkin fillings into the pastry instead of pouring it in straight away, due to blitzing which cause the mixture to be filled with air pockets. Sieving it could potentially remove the air bubbles and foam. Pour the filling into the cooled shell


Some website advise to pull out the pie from oven at the first sign of puffing, and mine puff up 25 minutes into baking. Feeling unsure, i left it in about 10 minutes more.

bake at 350 (180C) for more than 25 minutes placing pie above cookie sheet.


After cooled, the puffed pie will sink back in


Very wobbly and soft and the pastry is a bit soggy at the bottom, far from perfect. The filling flavour is there but the texture is not smooth and very soft, could sieving the pumpkin filling have helped save the filling?


Recipe: Beetroot cake

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 17 February 2013 9:43 pm
24,569 Total Views

Basically a carrot cake recipe substituting carrot with beetroot, recipe from lemonpi.

Only change i made is reduce the sugar from 200g to 150g, which in the end the cake is slightly not sweet enough


Ingredients, the tedious part is grating of beetroot which texture is a bit hard and hard to grate


beetroot cake ready to go into oven


doesn’t look red at all eh?




the cake is slight too wet, just ok for me.


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