Recipe: Poppy Seed Muffin

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 10 March 2013 9:53 pm
21,503 Total Views


Recipe taken from The Life & Loves of Grumpy’s Honeybunch

First off, i think the recipe has too much liquid, i only notice if midway into baking when i already added 210g milk into the liquid mixture, and it looks like too much liquid. There and then, i realized than normally recipe would state 1/2 or 1 1/2 etc of liquid instead of 1.2 cup of milk, perhaps it is typo mistake, perhaps it should be 1/2 cup milk which is only 125gm


dry and liquid ingredients to be mixed


Have a confession to make, i bought serbuk kas kas which looks like poppy seed, upon checking i think it is not poppy seed which are usually black in colour, but this kas kas powder is white  and black mixture.



The bottom sticks, could be due to below

1) i used individual tart shell put on top of baking sheet which block heat from bottom of oven. Muffin tin are available for a reason! This doubly bottom layer of mine caused the muffin not be cooked even already in oven for more than 30 minutes

2) I reduced the oil due to already soo much liquid from milk


1 Comment

  1. Comment by Shelby — March 10, 2013 @ 10:52 pm

    The amount of milk is 1/2 cup. Thanks for trying. I will make sure it is clear in my recipe and thank you for letting me know!

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