Recipe: Light Cheese Tart with Chocolate Shell

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Saturday 15 February 2014 10:12 pm
27,715 Total Views

Chocolate pastry shell recipe from a recipe book: Canadian Living cooks (Page 30 Chocolate Butter Tart)

Light Cheese Cake filling from 孟老师 Pie Recipe book Page 80

The Chocolate pastry is very nice, make for a crispy nice chocolatey treat. Good to note there is no egg in this recipe.


Recipe for tart pastry

Chocolate Shells:
183g flour (some recipe state could substitute 45g with rice flour for crispies shells)
43g cocoa powder
103g cold butter
1/4 tsp salt
Liquid: (mix below and add ice water till 75ml)
1 egg yolk
1tsp vinegar


Filling recipe


Pie pastry rolled out


Without pie weight, gotta improvised with 50 cents coin works pretty well


with some leftover pastry, enough for 4 small tart, above are par-baked pie shells


Par-baked shell


Baked for around 10 minutes in 190 Celsius till water evaporated, then glazed with some whole egg mixture and bake in 170 – 180 Celsius for further 10 – 15 minutes till 80% baked and shiny like above


making light cream cheese filling


Bake in 180 – 190 Celsius for 20 minutes


baked, for these little tarlet, the cocoa bitterness of the tart shell really overwhelmed the cheese filling , it works better to be baked in bigger tart as below so that the ratio of shell over filling to not too high


Beautiful looking light cheese tart, the shell has no sugar and has the bitter cocoa powder aroma.


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