Recipe: Mint Brownie

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 20 April 2014 8:10 pm
25,543 Total Views

I have fond memories of awesome mint brownie made by my housemate Kim during university days which i can’t help having pieces and pieces of. And finally now i tried making it.

Ingredients: Recipe from Serious Eats’ Alpine Mint Brownie

For The Brownies
90g cups all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoons dark unsweetened cocoa powder
156g dark chocolate
coarsely chopped 115g unsalted butter, cut into 1-inch pieces
100g granulated sugar
30g firmly packed light brown sugar
2.5 large eggs, at room temperature
1 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

For The Mint Filling
100g confectioner’s sugar
40g unsalted butter
1 tablespoons milk
1/2 teaspoons mint extract

For The Ganache Glaze
85g ounces chocolate chips or chopped chocolate
40g ounces butter change from heavy cream to milk
some recipe say 1/2 teaspoon mint

Made one third of the original mint filling Decreased the sugar from 150g caster + 50g brown to 100g caster and 30 brown


Recipe i used




Melt butter and chocolate over boiling butter


Smooth chocolate, then add sugar, egg, vanilla, flour to make the brownie batter


brownie batter




to make the frosting, i used Fox’s mint sweet as the mint flavoring is kinda expensive and not going to use it often. Icing sugar, unsalted butter, a few Fox mint melted in microwave with some water The mint frosting turn out barely minty 🙁


beat all together


spread the mint filling all over


chocolate ganache recipe

MintBrownie11.jpg MintBrownie12.jpg

double boil melting

MintBrownie13.jpg MintBrownie14.jpg

pour chocolate ganache over the mint brownie Barely memorable, perhaps a strong mint flavoring will bring out this dessert more


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