Big Tree Lin Kee (Chan Sow Lin Steamed fish head) steamed fish, Cheras

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Wednesday 24 December 2014 10:55 pm
39,700 Total Views


steamed fish menu


meat / tofu / vegetables menu


Operating 10 am till 3pm daily except Monday off


Four heavenly king, RM7


Ginger Steamed Fish, RM24


Signature Tofu, RM12



Very nice steamed fish here, satisfying meal

Address: Taman Tayton/Taman Connaught, Cheras (I am not sure which branch we went to on that day, it seems that one branch is open morning till afternoon, whereas the other it afternoon till night)

Post by other blogger:

Yuki Low + Delicious


Recipe: Atlantic Beach Pie

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Friday 19 December 2014 5:17 pm
38,014 Total Views


originally recipe specifies to use saltine crackers, but it is difficult to find here and crazy expensive, so substitute it with Jacob’s cream cracker which work out just fine


use a food processor to crumb it up. Here me without one will make do with pound it fine from outside a plastic bag. It has to be quite fine, mine is pretty coarse which cause the “pie crust” to “float” and not stick together properly.


Like so, this is a failed one, the cracker float up too much causing only one side of the pie with lemon curd visible. The taste is still there, but one side of the pie is more of mushy lemony paste.


The above is a better one when i made it the second time


Top with whipped cream and sea salt, yummy-creamy-crispy-salty-sweet-cold dessert


Recipe taken from Food52 Bill Smith Atlantic Beach Pie



Above is the tested of the recipe in metric, namely for 3 small tarts, we could use below recipe:

132g condensed milk

42g lemon juice

3 egg yolk

Double boil the whole mixture while beating with a whisk, if the mixture is not thick enough, add more egg yolk to thicken it, ie by beating the egg yolk separately, then adding some of the warm mixture to it, once the egg yolk is “tempered” to almost same temp as mixture, mix the egg yolk into the double-boil-mixture.


Recipe: Japanese Light Cheesecake

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 14 December 2014 11:28 am
43,007 Total Views


A tried and true recipes made numerous time, previously documented in year 2008 blogpost




perhaps too much batter, or need to get a bigger cake pan


for this try, i added about 4 small “segments” of durian pulp into the cheese-milk-butter mixture before mixing up everything else, looks fabulous


looks cottony


need to flip it out from cake pan to be cooled, else there will be much water condensation on cake bottom if left to cooled inside cake pan


peeled away the baking paper for better cooling


recipe i used from Ai Wei’s My Story


2nd time making it


overbaked 🙁 top part of cake is too near the oven top heat element


insides are fine, just outside slightly burnt


Recipe: Pavlova topped with strawberry and cream

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 7 December 2014 10:41 am
38,611 Total Views

Recipe improvised from My Inner Foodie

175g egg white
175g sugar
2 tablespoon cornflour
2tsp white vinegar
Preheat 160celcius
Spread to 10cm diameter meringue and bake in 120 celcius for 90 mins or more


1) Make the pavlova HIGH, but don’t pile too high, follow the diameter mentioned in recipe. MUST beat egg white till STIFF peak, else the meringue will flatten and widen during the baking/cooling process

2) A lot of recipe specifying to leave meringue to cool in oven to prevent pavlova shrinking due to cold air, i try to place a gap on the oven using a fork or something, then wait till the thermometer in oven showing oven temp to much lower temp

3) Once the meringue is cooled, must store somewhere “safe” and not on counter top, as ants will definitely come. This coming from experience. Experience the horror of looking at perfectly baked crispy meringue all covered with ants. Oh no!

4) Meringue will weep (watery-looking sugar crystal sweating/weeping down the side during baking process) caused by sugar not fully incorporated, remember the beaten meringue felt slight grainy with unincorporated sugar when I touched the whisk before shaping the beaten meringue into disk to be baked

5) Try putting the pavlova in the middle of oven. For meringue, i normally put the baking pan into lower end of the oven fearing the top of pavlova will brown too much, ending up, the bottom of pavlova become very much crispy (see the bottom most picture of this post), while top not yet became crispy. Just put in middle rack, and if the top become too brown, just top with some baking paper.



looks not bad


Above is 2nd try using below recipe: I used 4 egg whites and only 130g sugar, it turned out all marshmallowy and does not have crispy exterior 🙁 Looks good, tall, but it is actually sticky soft outside, and not nice! The outer is supposed to be crispy


For the above third try, i finally tested a good egg white to sugar ratio (ie same weight for egg white and sugar):  175g sugar, 175 egg white, bake 2 hours 120 celcius. The previous try of lowering the sugar use too much wasn’t working to well, anyway, this is easy to remember: same amount of egg white and sugar

The use of 4 egg whites stated in most recipe can be very vague, some eggs can be larger than others…


4th try: successful with crispy exterior and mashmallowy center, although it looks very crackly outside



looks pretty top with strawberry and blueberries






bottom too crispy as i baked in lower rack


Coliseum Restaurant, Midvalley Megamall

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Sunday 7 December 2014 9:19 am
26,475 Total Views


Weekday lunch farewell lunch with colleagues, above is weekday set lunch special


sizzling fresh water prawn


house specialties




vegetarian Hainanese Fried Mee


grilled chicken


my lamb chop, very generous with 3 big portions of tender lamb pieces


Sizzling whole spring chicken, size not too big although it is whole chicken, Nando’s taste better though


Sizzling lamb and chicken

Overall, food not bad, can try.


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