Recipe: Ameretti Cookie

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 7 December 2014 9:05 am
20,753 Total Views

Cringed listening to myself, couldn’t bring myself to do it 😛

Made these once before, and it were so good that warrant another session of making it since i have so much of ground almond leftover from my overzealous buying of it for macaron baking previously.

For this time of using ground almond, the cookie turn out quite chewy and sticky in the middle

For the third time making it, i double triple sift the ground almond and use only the coarser almond, and it turns out less sticky. For a healthier version, i reduced the sugar much as below:

3 egg white

280 ground almond (coarse)

60g sugar

dash of sea salt


recipe for 1st try, refer to earlier written one for 3 egg white (2nd try, with less sugar as well)


1st try




2nd try with coarser almond


egg white




before baking


after baked.

Both try doesn’t appeal to me so such, there is some chewy sticky nougat feeling which i not so fond of, 1st time making it still a charm, 2nd & 3rd not so. Don’t know why first time i made it was so nice


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