Recipe: Chinese pan fried turnip cake

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Monday 31 August 2015 11:08 am
69,618 Total Views


above is cooked mixture before steamed


472g grated daikon/chinese turnip

141g rice flour

141g wheat starch

19g cornflour

472g water

3 shallot, diced finely

38g dried shrimp, 4 tablespoon, chopped finely

half teaspoon salt

– must use shallot for best flavor, onion just don’t cut it. For this time, i am using Indian shallot, wonder what the more expensive variety of shallot like rose shallot or thai shallot will bring…

– many recipes specifying to use sugar, which i find is not really necessary, you can add half teaspoon sugar to this recipe if you want


1. Combine the flours and water to form a slurry.
2. Over medium heat, in a wok or pan large enough to contain all ingredients, saute shallots under slightly golden, add shrimp and cook for a 2-3 minutes. Fry the dried shrimp till bubbly and very crispy add good flavor!
3. Add radish and cook for a further 3 minutes, remember to cook the radish through else the end product will end up wet and crumbly for water which comes out from radish during steaming or pan frying process.
4. Stir the flour mixture and add to the wok. Cook unit it thickens, stirring constantly.
5. Tip contents into an oiled loaf tin or 9 inch round tin.
6. Steam for 45 minutes until cooked through.


I have tried around 3 radish cake recipe, some issue faced were:

– too soft texture, due to recipe using only rice flour

– slightly too sweet, some recipe uses sugar which i think is not neccesary, or perhaps use less

– without good aroma, as some recipe do not use dried shrimp or shallot which is very important, don’t use normal onion! Do fry the dried shrimp till bubbly and very crispy add good flavor!

Among the 3 recipes, this out turns out the best. The other 2 radish cake turned out too soft. This out turns out just ok, soft without breaking up too much, and this recipe using the most wheat starch in ratio with rice flour, the other 2 recipes using much less wheat starch which could be the cause of too-soft-texture.



pan fry


pan fried

This post is linked to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (Theme: Dim Sum)  organised by Fion XuanHom’s Mum Kitchen Diary) and hosted by May (厨苑食谱).


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