Recipe: Granola

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 20 September 2015 11:28 pm
88,414 Total Views


It is all about the skill of getting all toasted and crunchy without burning. Also dried fruits to put in last 5 minutes of baking, can be added without baking as well else the fruits will be rock hard and burnt due to high sugar content

Yum~ best when eating with yogurt, i like mine with Marigold low fat strawberry/peaches, not the fat free ones.

50g ground almond
27g dessicated coconut
64g almond/pecan/walnut, break into small pieces
35g sunflower seed
70g old fashion rolled oat
70g pumpkin seed
1 – 2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
three quarter teaspoon sea salt
37g raisin <dried fruits to put in last 5 minutes of baking, can be added without baking as well>
32g dried apricot <dried fruits to put in last 5 minutes of baking, can be added without baking as well>

Wet ingredient:
45g coconut oil
54g gula melaka, can be substitute with brown sugar, even better with maple syrup
1-2 teaspoon vanilla


I normally make double portion, above pic is for double portion. Mix the dry ingredient well and wet ingredient well separately, then combine the two.

bake in 150 Celcius for 45 minutes, remember to toss the ingredients around every 15 minutes else it will burn on the sides and underneath.



  1. Comment by iCA — September 25, 2015 @ 11:32 am

    Hi, I’d like to get in touch with you for a project I’m working on 🙂 Could you please reply with your e-mail address? Couldn’t find it anywhere on the site.

  2. Comment by vivien — September 30, 2015 @ 11:11 pm

    You can find my email in “About Me” section:

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