Recipe: Granola

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 20 November 2016 9:53 pm
81,169 Total Views



Another time in making granola, recipe posted earlier:

Following online tip of how to get chunky bites of granola without using egg white. It is

  1. Blending about 1/3 of the oat into oat powder
  2. Cook the oil + sugar etc with a few tablespoon of water until sugar melt
  3. Mix all together and press the whole mixed granola into the pan before putting into oven for baking.
  4. Gently toss the pressed granola without “destroying” too much of the chunks while stirring it mid-way of baking.
  5. Make sure to use low heat and bake enough till the mixture is dry and crunchy!

Success, chunky sized granola bites achieved.


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