Tadom Hill Resorts, Banting (nearby Putrajaya)

Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Thursday 4 April 2019 5:48 pm
34,613 Total Views


A company outing. We went Tadom Hill, it is suitable for group outing. Not cheap. They have flying fox, and you have to decide on the spot (when buying entrance ticket) whether you want unlimited and only once flying fox. Some of us bought the unlimited flying box, but end up going only once. So unless you are crazy on flying fox, buy the one-time-flying-fox ticket. The small hut in picture above is the starting point of flying fox, and you have to walk quite a distance to go back, and your body can’t be wet (from playing the water activities), so one-time-F-F recommended, instead of the unlimted ones. Do check out Faves who has some discount for this place

Surprisingly, they have quite a lot of accomodation here: https://tadomhillresorts.com/accommodation/

Also a canteen which serves quite nice chicken rice set for only RM10


Ppl walking towards flying fox, so sunny and hot!


Into the water, from a water slide


We play quite a bit of kayak, and with some pushing others to overturn, so some of us fall into the water. The cleanliness of the water is in question, they do put up a sign at the side to make aware this fact.


Before Tadom hill, we went Putrajaya Wetland, which is closed by to see Rhino feeding, quite nice to see them eating grass, papaya etc. We also went to see crocodile in the same compound.

Address: Tadom Hill (near Putrajaya)
No.2, Jalan Bukit Tadom, (Kampung Orang Asli) Kampung Labohan Dagang, 42700 Banting, Selangor

Phone: 012-522 5728

Website: Tadom Hill

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