So, I was scammed in my hotlink prepaid

Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Sunday 2 May 2021 3:53 pm
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Always heard of ppl got scam, my mum got scammed 5k for being told I got kidnapped around 10 years back, then my relative got scammed 30k for being told Bukit Aman captured their son with drug in it and will face death penalty. And now I experience personally being scammed. Early this year, I received a call while driving, they say I got some points and I can get free internet, and I just got to provide them the number which will be sent to my SMS. I ask them what I need to pay, and they say no need to pay, so I guess why not, but told them I am driving, then they ask when they can call me, and I told them 30mins. Normally when banks call me for bank deals etc, I will reject them and end the call, it just didn’t click that it is possibly to get scammed for my hotlink, some more my hotlink is prepaid, what can be scammed, seriously, but I was wrong…

So, they called me around 30mins later, and told me I need to provide them 3 numbers, I stupidly gave them 2 number, not realising that is TAC, like those for internet banking. So nothing happens after I gave them the first TAC, but after the 2nd TAC, I got the most bottom message in picture below, whereby it say I have shared RM50 with a number. I freak out and scold him to return me RM50, he (a Malay) still continues to talk to me as if he is hotlink, trying to convince me I am not scammed, I hang up, and he call, I shouted at him to return me RM50, and he still persist to talk eerily calm as if he will give me free internet bla bla, and that he is from hotlink… This go on for maybe 5 or 6 times where he try to call me back to me, and I hang up… I know I am scammed but still have no clue how he can scam me.

If you see below first msg (ask a top up) which was performed earlier of the day that I was scammed, I only saw it after the incident, I think it is some method for them to detect whether a phone number is a hotlink prepaid account.


Then I received below msg saying I am given RM5. So, this act as a double weapon. Firstly, it is like wow, they give me RM5(I assume some may confused money taken out, but oh they can pay us back), but do note Hotlink should definitely upgrade their sms message to indicate the TAC is for what purpose, and also below RM5 is actually hotlink SOS Top-up, whereby SOS-top-up is mostly we will pay hotlink RM5 to activate the phone line when our line is inactive(due to haven’t top up monthly RM30), and this will be deducted when you next  top up. Example, if you top up RM30 after that, RM6.25 will be deducted. The msg didn’t indicate it is SOS top up at all!!!!! Hotlink, are u trying to help scammer to scam us???

After the RM5 “returned”, I got 2 notification that 2 internet plans are given me. So I got the clue that scammer must be somehow using hotlink app to scam me cos I often use app to buy internet plan.

I open my hotlink app and found hotlink customer service number and frantically told them I am scammed, they advise me to logout my hotlink app, thereafter scammer’s hotlink app will log out as well, and will require new TAC to relogin. So I log out and log myself back in, and tested the app on how scammer might have done it. My finding is first TAC allow them to login my hotlink app, 2nd TAC allow them to share-a-topup of RM50 to Xfer out of my hotlink acct, I still have some balance in my hotlink, not sure maybe they will do another share-a-topup if I gave them the 3rd TAC.


And I have reported the incident to hotlink (call them at 123). Below they sent me SMS of the report number. They are quite efficient to call me around 3 days after issue reported. Basically, they told me it is my fault of giving others TAC, they did refund me back RM15 as I request that I didn’t use those 2 internet plan the scammer “bought for me”, and maxis graciously refund me, but the RM50 is considered gone(hotlink asked me to call the number to request back and if they threaten me I can make police report, but I don’t bother), I would have ask maxis to refund me RM6.25 of SOS top up as well, but I realised it is SOS much later(I tot the scammer did pay me back RM5).


Conclusion, if you are hotlink app, and receives msg like above, dun be too happy that you are given RM5 and “free” internet plan, cos your hotlink app is probably compromised and scammer is using your own credit to buy you internet plan, so do install hotlink app, login and logout so scammer side will log out as well, and I learnt my lesson not to share TAC even though this is not bank, but hotlink


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