Malaysian Institute of Baking (MIB)

Posted by vivien | Journal | Wednesday 26 June 2013 7:45 pm
114,039 Total Views

Thinking of registering for Certificate of Baking, really nice course, 2 months to learn around 72 recipes

MIB Certificate of Baking

The Classes will be on Saturday (2pm – 6.30pm) & Sunday (10am – 2.30pm) for 9 weekends from 13th Jul 2013
price at RM2788 nett

But… i am not free on Sundays, paying full price and attending only Saturday class is kind of not worth it 🙁

Maybe i should just use the money to buy ingredients and bake on my own :S

My Baking adventure…



Filler post: about Milo

Posted by vivien | Journal | Monday 27 February 2012 9:22 pm
110,230 Total Views

Is Milo getting less chocolatey and more milky&oily? Used to love drinking Milo every morning but find it not as good as before, anyone find it so as well?
I am talking about “Milo kosong” not those 3-in-1 packets.
~~filler post while having some pc issue


Sponsored Post: Kitchen Ware I Wish to Have

Posted by vivien | Journal | Wednesday 25 August 2010 8:26 pm
112,278 Total Views

I love browsing in supermarket and also departmental store selling kitchen ware. One of the kitchen ware i wish to have is microplane, zesting orange and lemon going to be much easier. I read somewhere that microplane originally are metal equipment used to smoothen surfaces, but later it found its way into kitchen being a sturdy zester for parmesan cheese, citrus fruit etc.

digital kitchen scale, yet to have one…

measuring cups, wish to have a set of these too, just found out they are digital measuring cups too 😛

maybe a Le Creuset too, a french manufactured cookware, it can be put inside oven, sorta like pyrex. Other than the normal orangey color Le Creuset pot, they actually now selling baking cups and ramekins too. Good for making cheese/chocolate souffle, one of my to-make dish in a quite distant future… hahaha

~random blabber~


Potluck lunch in Office

Posted by vivien | Journal | Friday 2 October 2009 11:42 pm
98,285 Total Views

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Dominoes Pizza, ketupat(rice cakes), Sushi rice, chicken rendang(dried style chicken curry), chicken curry, sayur lemak, lemang(coconut rice in leaves) and satay.

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apple, pear, yam cake, bahulu(madelines-like cake), drink and cheesecake with dried strawberries(made by yours truly)

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mini cornetto in chocolate flavor(nice)


Canon S90 givin Panasonic Lumix LX3 a run of its money

Posted by vivien | Journal | Friday 18 September 2009 4:33 pm
111,113 Total Views

Canon just came out with a new model called S90 looks so desirable, was informed of this camera by, i don’t need it, but i want it, and it is lighter than the sold-out Panasonic Lumix LX3(195g), this S90 weight only 175g, not bad, not too heavier than my current Pentax Option S4.

Canon S90 on

Cool photo comparing S90 and Panasonic Lumix Lx3


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