Restoran Steamboat King, Jalan Ipoh

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Saturday 25 October 2008 6:34 am
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Store front: according to banner, there is 50% discount on Mon-Fri(11:00pm – 1:30am). This restaurant is just few shops away from the 2 famous dim sum shop in Jalan Ipoh, and there is a King’s bakery just next door.
This is my favourite steamboat place, close second is Queen’s Park(Cheras) steamboat, mainly i find their soup is nice, not much MSG detected. They also have newspaper cutting where it is said they boiled their soup for long time, and no MSG added.


Suggestions on way to mix the condiments.

Type of soup base, porridge base.
Soup/porridge base is RM13.30 per person

Here is 2 person’s portion. shown here fu chok is replaced with 3 pieces of fisballs. They fishball is different from others with its big flat balls, instead of rounded, taste good too.

As usual, set also comes with noodles. Minimum order is 2 sets.
Opening hour: 5:00pm – 1:30am
Address: Steambot King
No.485, Jalan Ipoh,
3rd Mile, 51200 Kuala Lumpur.
Telephone: 03- 4048 1392


1 Comment

  1. Comment by arsenal — October 25, 2008 @ 2:52 pm

    hi i really like this steamboat as well, you write very well you know keep up the good work,will bookmark your site & visit from time to time, hope to see more FOOD…yummy. 🙂

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