Curry Puff Recipe

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Monday 2 February 2009 11:05 am
13,770 Total Views

Recipe taken from More than Words – Oven baked curry puff. Above is 400gm flour with about 120g of cut butter, an egg whisked up and a bowl of ice water.
Here, butter rubbed into flour, resemble breadcrumbs texture
mix in the egg, and just enough ice water to make it into above.
for the fillings: i use all the above except the curry leaves, use just 3 sprigs of curry leaves, bought the whole bunch for RM0.50. I made double amount of chili paste, and insist on not using any curry powder/pre-made curry paste for this curry puff, which is what i usually do when cooking chicken curry…, but it doesn’t work out too well this time… it is always a pain an guessing on how much dried chilies to use. there is about 4 cloves of garlic, three pieces of lemon grass, small pieces of ginger.
Used about 700gm of potatoes and also shown above is the curry puff mould.
all blended up
cook the chili paste in ample of oil
till it become dried up and fragrant as above, shown above is half of the cooked chili paste, i have already scoop up half of it, save it for curries ;P
mixed in the diced potatoes. and you are all set
no rollers? no place to roll out the dough? no prob, place a cling wrap on top of tabletop, and use mug to roll out dough.
place big dollop of filling
all rolled up
cooked puff, it doesn’t look browned and appetising, and if the temperature is too high, they will cracked open. i fire up the temp to more than 150C in an attempt to brown them, but to no avail, partly also due to not enough egg wash
turn them over, it is brown where it touched the pan
cross section, looks not bad eh? but going back to where i said it doesn’t turn up so well is it taste more like chili puff than curry puff, next time should put some chicken curry powder and more salt, that should be it.
the pastry is not crispy as those fried, fried one still taste better, IMHO, but these oven baked is sure a healthy option if you can work yourself up to make them.



  1. Comment by Julian Si — February 4, 2009 @ 5:48 am

    Great photo-blog of “how to make your own karipap!” …. I usually leave this to mum and maid, or go to the 2 fat bros aka Homi at SS2 🙂

  2. Comment by eBauhauz — February 7, 2009 @ 1:48 pm

    HEY why didnt belanjar me CURRY-PUFF!!! essh!


  3. Comment by Vivien — February 8, 2009 @ 7:19 am


    you came at the wrong time, i didn’t have it then… haha, next time la

  4. Comment by Domestic Diva — March 29, 2009 @ 8:39 pm

    You can try spraying all the curry puffs with Pam before baking. A heated greased baking sheet will help with the browning too. Hope that somewhat helps. I make a lot of oven-fried chicken for my family. It always come out crispy with the 2 methods I mentioned above.

  5. Comment by Vivien — March 29, 2009 @ 8:51 pm

    hey Domestic Dive,

    thanks for the tips, i will probably bake curry puff sometimes soon, not sure will bake them or fry them, just love curry puff 🙂

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