Instant Mushroom Congee with chicken

Posted by vivien | Product | Sunday 8 February 2009 9:24 am
20,168 Total Views

This is instant porridge, just steep the dehyrated content in boiling hot water, wait for 2-3 minutes, and behold, a porridge that doesn’t look and taste instant at all.
I got this from Jusco supermarket at RM2.60, but you can also buy it from Tesco. Don’t think they selling it in other supermarket in Malaysia. Product of China – ZhuHai, claim not to have preservative, chemical colouring or flavor.
put out 2 pieces of dehyrated content into a bowl
it will soften, then just mix it throughly
they comes in 3 flavors:mushroom chicken, vegetarian and scallop egg. The other 2 flavors are forgettable, but you gotta try mushroom chicken
highly recommended


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