FCup Cookie from Japan

Posted by vivien | Product | Thursday 20 August 2009 11:16 am
23,659 Total Views

FCup Cookie(a “breast enhancing cookie”) is hot selling product in Japan or so claimed, available in soy milk and chocolate flavour. It claims to help growth of mammary gland which increases the fat of breasts. It contains 8 essential amino acids which can be found in Pueraria Mirifica and soy milk. Results can be seen as early as 3 weeks, and recommended to take this cookie for at least 2 months continuously, 2 cookies a day with plenty of water. Reason that it could also be a diet food because as the cookies absorbs water, it swells and thus giving you a feeling of being full.
Other ingredients in this cookie includes Sorbitol, Expanding Agent, Quasi-Chocolate, Anatto(Food Colouring), Carotin(food colouring), shortening, sucrose, caramel coloring, red clover and carotenoid.
Above is Fcup cookie being sold in Sasa, 30pcs pack for RM168, and 14pcs pack for RM88(current promotion RM80)
Fcup cookie also being sold in Inbox, 30pcs is RM140 (marked down from normal price of RM168)
Beside that, Inbox also sell Fcup tea, which has fresh tea scents gently relax your nerve and help in sleeping.
If i were to calculate using normal price RM168, and their recommendation of eating continuosly for at least 2 months, 2 pieces a day, it will cost me RM168 * 4 = RM672… hmmm… anyway no matter how they claim it is natural, i still find it kinda unnatural to consume cookie for… how i wish… haha
Anyone has experience with this? the efficacy of this product…
Website: FCup Cookie
Asean Sole Distributor: Cason Trading Sdn Bhd
Email: cason [at] fcup-asean.com
Post in other sites:
Spice Girl eat F-Cup Cookie
Gizmodo.com (selling 4pcs pack too)



  1. Comment by Wilson Ng — August 21, 2009 @ 3:12 am

    did u try it?

  2. Comment by Vivien — August 21, 2009 @ 3:37 am

    no 🙂

    and i don't know of anyone who have, just hearsay, some works, some don't

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