Shaker Tea Booth, Pudu

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Monday 24 August 2009 7:52 am
12,831 Total Views

This quaint little walk-down-memory-lane cafe is located in Pudu.
They have value meal every day from noon-7pm for RM8.60, you can get a main dish + bubble tea + tapioca chips/guiling gao(herbal pudding) + ice tube
soup for only RM2.50, it is instant soup, can’t expect too much for this price, spagetti for only RM5.30 etc
main dish: curry chicken rice, mushroom chicken rice, lemon fish rice etc. Rice is refillable FOC here but make sure no wastage
desserts and snacks, want to try their garlic bread next time
they are also on Apple Daily dated 2002!
reminiscense of high school days, it seems such a loong time ago, we are probably the very few
“oldies” here
black bubble tea, nice chewy tapioca pearls bottom of glass, love this drink
pork stew rice, nice, unexpectedly homey, in a good way… yum
my herbal chicken rice, even the soup taste homey, boiled with real pork bones and vege…
yam soup which turns to be some instant kinda of soup, RM2.50, pretty good actually, not as bad i thought it would be.
guiling gao
ice sticks, those available during my primary school days… ah. time flies
This small cafe mainly caters for high school students, guess that’s why not many people blog about this place.
Address: Shaker Tea Booth
No. 10 Ground Floor,
Jalan Kancil,
Off Jalan Pudu,
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Business hour:
Mon-Sat: 10am – 8pm (no orders after 7:30pm)
Sunday: closed
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