Picnic in Forest Research Institute Malaysia(FRIM)

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Sunday 27 September 2009 12:31 am
9,355 Total Views

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making caesar salad dressing from scratch in friend’s place: using extra virgin olive oil, dijon mustard, anchovies, worcestershire sauce, garlic etc.

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ingredients used to make caesar salad dressing

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too huge of a spread for 3 person… hahaha… sausage, caesar salad topped with smoke salmon, cheese shavings and optional ebiko(fish roe), tuna fettucine, egg salad, marinated cherry tomatoes, grapes, boiled sweet potatoes, sweet corn, cheesecake and bottled ice lemon tea.

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Malay tea house inside FRIM which is closed for the festive season.

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FRIM full of trees.


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