Crystal Jade Restaurant, The Gardens Mall, Mid Valley City (revisit)

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Wednesday 7 October 2009 11:54 pm
11,434 Total Views

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Second visit to this restaurant located on 3rd floor of the Gardens Mall, missing the soupy seafood rice.

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Suckling pig combo, RM32.80, you can pair up the suckling pig with char siew, siew yoke, roast duck etc, not bad

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appetizer of marinated spicy japanese cucumber, RM2, crunchy and nice

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my soupy seafood rice, RM12

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Stewed E-Fu Noodle with Egg white, with crab meat, RM28, quite a nice and unique dish, fish time trying it

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Braised Vege with Crab Roe, RM36

Refer to my first visit here

Foodie friend Sandra really know how to enjoy herself ordering luxurious food…, and she has ideas to write a food recommendation book on good eats in Malaysia, very cool.

Crystal Jade is a nice restaurant originated from Singapore, established in 1991. Now having foothold in Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietname, South Korea, Indonesia and Japan. Crystal Jade Restaurant is under Crystal Jade Culinary Concepts Holding, Singapore head office: 180B, Bencoolean Street, #11-00 The Bencoolen S189648.

Price: 10% Service charge + 5% tax


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