Recipe: bread (a failed adventure)

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 8 November 2009 6:05 pm
13,867 Total Views

after knead

after kneading all the ingredients, recipe is from a recipe book at home.

proof for 40 mins

after proofing it in warm area for 40 minutes, doubled in size.

loaf tin

second proofing for about 45 minutes.

loaf tin2

after second proofing, double in size again

finished product

finished baking 30-35 mins

finished product 2

looks nice.

cross section

the strong bread protein structure is not there

super macro mode

super macro shot of the crumbly structure.


Post mortem:

– cause of this failed bread could be due to my incorrect mixing sequence, butter should be put in earlier, but i mixed it in when the bread is fully kneaded and springy(kneaded for about 5 minutes), and the butter unable to penetrate into it, thus i torn the bread into small pieces rubbing in the butter, that’s probably where the bread protein structure is disrupted and broken.



  1. Comment by KP — November 9, 2009 @ 1:15 pm

    Is the centre gummy?

    It could be many things but the mixing of the oil is probably not one of them. If anything else, it is kneading it with the oil FIRST that usually causes the gluten strands not to form as you described.

    – Not enough kneading: This also depends on your flour protein content, but 5 mins is a little short. Tip: Knead 5 mins and let it rest for another 10-20mins and continue to knead for 10 mins. The ‘wait time’ is to allow the flour and water to absorb and hence become less sticky and easier to work with.

    – Cooking Temperature too high, centre left uncooked.

    But the absolute most important thing is the ratio of the flour and water, and the best method is to do the measuring by weight. If the ratio is not correct, then you will find that your loaf will be too dense (too much flour), or rises but comes out gummy (too wet) and uneven in parts.

    I’ve baked for 5 years and have been consistantly making numerous door wedges, but i finally cracked the damn bread code! Thanks much in part to the bread bible by Rose Levy. K have fun exploring!


  2. Comment by vivien — November 9, 2009 @ 7:01 pm

    yes the centre is gummy and stick to my teeth, but if i do not knead in the butter early(say 1 or 2 minutes into kneading), the dough doesn’t absorb butter well after the dough was kneaded till springy(about 5 mins)

    thanks for your tips.

  3. Comment by xin — November 11, 2009 @ 1:51 pm

    but it is a good try! i am sure the next time will be better 😀 if me..errr i rather pay for bread. lol.

  4. Comment by lotsofcravings — November 12, 2009 @ 11:20 am

    u got urself an oly? what model?

  5. Comment by Vivien — November 13, 2009 @ 11:38 am

    it is a olympus mju 7000 or stylus 7000

  6. Comment by Kate — August 29, 2010 @ 1:17 pm

    Hi Vivien, the first photo already looked like the dough is not quite right. Looks like it’s too wet. Bread dough, like pasta dough, should not be sticky when you have finished kneading. You can measure as accurately from recipes, but my guess is that what needs to also be taken into account is the humidity in the air, etc. If your dough is wet, then the best thing to do is to add more flour. Better to add slightly less water than what the recipe calls for from the start and see how it comes together first. Cheers, K8

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