Restoran Salero Negori, Amcorp Mall, PJ, Selangor

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Wednesday 25 November 2009 11:57 pm
24,863 Total Views

shop front

located in Level 2 of Amcorp mall in Petaling Jaya

restoran salero negoriayam goreng kampung

ayam goreng kampung/fried chicken “country style” RM14

terong goreng

terong goreng/fried aubergine, RM3.50

gulai tunjang

gulai babat/cow’s stomach, RM6, not fond of the strong beefy smell.

gulai babat

gulai tunjang/cow’s tendon, RM7, quite soft and good


pepaku, a kind of vegetables, RM4.50

gulai ikan assam pedas

gulai ikan, RM4, quite cheap considering there are fish pieces inside.

sotong sambal

sotong sambal/spicy squid, RM5

teh botol

teh botol/bottled tea, RM3, quite nice actually, taste like Lipton with milk although they is no milk in this, only tea extract, sugar, water, coloring and preservatives (as shown in pic below)

teh botol 2aftermath


a new experience, felt as though i am eating in Indonesia, not really fond of their taste, maybe cos of the bad beef smell from cow’s stomach dish, and milky pepaku dish, but the teh botol, fish etc are nice.

Address: Restoran Salero Negori(Masakan Padang & Negeri Sembilan)

No. 247,249,251 & 253, Level 2 Amcorp Mall,

18, Jalan Persiaran Barat,

46050, Petaling Jaya,


Telephone: 03-7956 6968

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1 Comment

  1. Comment by malaysian explorer — November 26, 2009 @ 6:03 pm

    wow did not know that Amcorp is so happenning around the food sector.
    The terong dish certainly looks yummy. Must salute you guys for cleaning up the dishes on you last photo.

    I am sure my mum will be very happy. She’s always saying that one shouldn’t waste food. You guys are really good examples of waste not want not!

    Visit the Kuala Lumpur page for quick facts and interesting information about Kuala Lumpur.

    If I start a section on KL food, can I borrow some of your photos? Will give the credits where it’s due, of course.

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