SS20 Fish Head Noodle, Damansara Kim

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Sunday 8 November 2009 5:31 pm
17,716 Total Views

damansara kim

Damansara Kim is in SS20, near Tropicana city mall. This stall is open on Monday – Sunday, 9:30am till 3:30pm

fish head noodle

only 1 lady cooking, prepare to wait for a while

main course

menu, i find their picture misleading, however they do wisely quote “actual dish may vary” at the bottom of the menu. And the dessert sago gula melaka comes with red bean in the above pic, but the actual order came without :\ that is quite a big variance.

drinks and dessert menu

drinks and dessert menu

2 drinks

herbal jelly/cincau on the left and longan drink to the drink, their drinks are sweeter than i would prefer.

cili padi

cili padi(bird eye chilis) which is coarsely blended, nice.

haruan fish noodle

my harun fish noodle with lai fun, RM9.80, you can opt for mee hoon type for RM9.50… Lai fun is usually used for assam laksa, it is too smooth for a fish noodle dish 🙁

fish paste noodle

Fish paste noodle, RM8

ice kacang

ABC/ice kacang/mixed ice dessert

sago dessert

sago gula melaka/tapioca balls with palm sugar coconut base


their soup is nice, but the lai fun is a turn off. My haruan fish is really fresh and thickly sliced. A lot of customer frequent this place.


Address: SS20 Fish Head Noodle

Gerai 17, Jalan SS20/10 Damansara Kim,

Business hours: 9:30am – 3:30pm


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