Curry Noodle, Bagan Sg Yu (near Kuala Selangor)

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Sunday 13 December 2009 10:01 pm
16,136 Total Views

by the sea

one of those off the beaten track eatery, located in a residency area in Bagan Sungai Yu, nearKuala Selangor. 

another view

locals seem to enjoy eating the food here


leisurely chatting next to the river


plenty of cockle’s shell underneath

cockles cleaning machine

machine for cleaning muddy cockles

herbal drinks

herbal drinks served in recycled soft drink bottles

curry noodle

their specialty: curry laksa noodle, with hard boiled egg, boiled cockles etc

cockle omelette

cockles omelette

newspaper clippings

newspaper clipping dated back to 2002 (Nanyang Xiang Pau)

name card


Address: Curry Noodle

No. 97, Bagan Sg Yu, 

Kuala Selangor,

45000, Selangor

Telephone: 03-3289 3335 or 017-350 6624 or 012-236 7614



  1. Comment by Rachel Yin Xin — December 18, 2009 @ 11:46 pm

    wow…u so enjoy..

    alwayz go eating around…haa

    ur bodyguard

  2. Comment by Vivien — December 21, 2009 @ 12:12 am

    hi bodyguard 🙂

    yalor, full time eating… haha

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