Coffee Bean Frozen Yoghurt, Mid Valley Megamall

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Monday 8 March 2010 10:12 pm
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the froyo (aka Frozen Yogurt) craze finally caught on to a more commonly found establishment-Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Yogurberry probably serve the most refreshing yogurt ice cream among all which i have tried: Yogurberry, Tutti Fruitti, Ebis Cafe etc. Love the tartness and refreshing frozen yogurt taste. Above is small for RM6.90++, they also have regular size which is of larger serving. Currently they selling 2 flavours, namely original tart and vanilla. However, they have  much more flavours available for yogurt drinks.

froyo machine to the left (pictured above).

Currently, only selected few Coffee Bean outlet serve frozen yogurt: Mid Valley, Sunway Pyramid etc

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