Invited Review: Laziz Middle Eastern Cuisine, Mont Kiara Solaris (opposite Cold Storage supermarket)

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Sunday 18 July 2010 6:25 pm
35,873 Total Views

Laziz is a Middle Eastern Food restaurant situated in Solaris, Mont Kiara, diagonally across from Cold Storage supermart.

Middle Eastern food is among my favorite cuisine as it looks and feels healthy, with plenty of vege, not oily etc. I was given a complementary meal by Akram of Laziz.

Left: dining area

Right: looking towards kitchen

Laziz Mazza, RM35, clockwise from top right: Fetush salad, Baba Ghanoosh, Arabic Salad, and Humos.Middle is Wara Ainab(grape leave stuffed with rice and onion), to be served with pita Bread

Fetosh is a salad mixture with romaine lettuce, tomatoes, white radish, zuchini tossed with lemony dressing and crispy bread. Baba Ghanosh is mashed grilled eggplant with olive oil. Arabic salad finely chopped salad mixture topped by sumac-middle eastern flower herb.

Love the hummus, not so fond of baba ghanosh and wara einab which taste of olive to me, the salads are both refreshing.

Laziz Mix Grill, RM38, a very filling dish, good enough for 2 person. Comes with 2 lamb shish kebab, 2 lamb chop, cubes of shish tawook(chicken cubes) and Lamb Cubes. Yummy~ Garlic sauce at the side feels a bit too oily to me though.

Left: Soup menu

Right: Salad menu

Left: Appetizers menu

Right: Main course menu

Left: Seafood and BBQ menu

Right: BBQ, pasta and sandwich menu

Left: Side Orders and Dessert menu

Right: Beverage, juices

Herbal drink, tea and coffee menu

Overall, i find theĀ  food here are reasonably priced and flavorful.

Address: Laziz Sdn Bhd

No. 18, 18-1, Off Jalan Duta Kiara,

50480 Kuala Lumpur

Business Hour: 11:00am – 11:pm (you can dine anytime in this period)

Tel: 03-6203 6607 (delivery service available from 12pm – 10pm)

Fax: 03-6203 6607

Website: Laziz Middle Eastern Restaurant

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1 Comment

  1. Comment by peteformation — July 20, 2010 @ 12:20 am

    I love Middle Eastern bread and lamb dishes….yummy!

    PS Thks for the link at your Wong Kee Pudu post. Cheers!

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