is 2 years old

Posted by vivien | Blog Anniversary | Monday 13 September 2010 12:02 am
34,046 Total Views
time flies, it is two years anniversary of this blog. At time i do wish that i started blogging about food since university, as i did have a blog then of what i eat at home hosted in then, my favourite blog then was Chocolate & Zucchini, miss the food in Canada especially poutine and caramel apple, which i don’t seem to see any in Malaysia… they are chilli fries here, just no poutine, and btw, the logo on top of this blog supposed to be poutine, but my friend who drew it added hotdog and stuff onto it, and she supposedly draw me in a bathtub filled with poutine, and with a cooling pad on the forehead because the tub is too hot
I started writing this blog as i was getting bored with work… it is nothing related to what i like most or most comfortable with… as i cook occasionally, love eating, watching cooking show since school days, love browsing my dad’s cook book which is very detailed and full of pictures, men in my family are actually better cooks, was at a cross road of deciding what to study after high school, thought of studying cooking, went to a education fair, i think it is fair mainly of cooking school, i remembered Flamingo being one of the school…  it was an odd choice to study things food related, never knew the job options of studying culinary… so went on with my second choice-IT, later on while in university, realizing that the F&B world has very odd hours, working weekends, pastry chef working wees hour churning out dough and pastries for the next day :\
This second year i had more invited review, in fact the first invited review Manhattan fish market is on the 2nd year of blogging… It is sorta love hate relationship. I love getting free stuff, free food included. But i do enjoy the freedom of speech reviewing food which are paid for ownself or bf :)… But it gets a bit different(at least for me) when you are reviewing stuff or food you get for free, i tend to be less critical, not revealing the bad point of the food etc… A while back read an article, couldn’t find back that same article, but it is similar to, mostly point 4. “We will disclose gifts, comps and samples”… Some ppl said food blogger should reveal whatever freebies that is given to them in their blog post, while some argue reviews restaurant/product given for free should be avoided… too bad i couldn’t find back where is the exact post, i think it is a quite well known US food blog, she said that if she were to pay for everything that she reviewed, it would cost a lot, and not afford to do it, i agree… hehe… it is always nice to be able to try new food and products… As long as blogger disclose gifts/complementary meal etc that he/she received, i find it is ok, just take the review with pinch of salt
Statistically, over period of 1 year, readership have increased from averagely 80 per day to now averagely 300 per day. Thanks for all the support… hehe…

Reference to dishwithvivien was 1 year old, someone commented that there should be more food blogs who critize restaurant, not only say good things and praises to what they have tried. And yes being to more invited reviews now :P, i tend to skimp on the negative side, or maintain neutral and not having any opinion to their food although the bood is nothing spectacular or bad, but if you get my hints in those posting, i might not say it is bad… but i will “critise” certain elements of the dish et cetera… looks like this blog is not gonna be like the scary food critique in ratatouile. However they are few blogs which i find are quite honest in their reviews. Some of the food blogs that i like are: Pillow Talk with Bangsar-bAbE, thenomadGourmand, vkeong etc



  1. Comment by kenjunz — September 14, 2010 @ 1:44 pm

    Happy birthday 2nd Birthday Blog~!Keep them posting~

  2. Comment by Vivien — September 16, 2010 @ 11:51 pm


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