Thong Lung Sang Seafood Restaurant, Kepong

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Sunday 5 June 2011 9:36 pm
26,506 Total Views


seems to be a popular restaurant among the area, customer overflowing, expect a good wait during weekend dinner time, having banners and promotion leaflets promoting their RM19/kg crabs instead of normal price of RM40++


direction to the restaurant, somewhere behind Carrefour Kepong


Shark lips, a gelatinous dish, quite nice, around RM65


Steamed Long3 Dan2 fish, RM35 (RM10/100g, one of their promotion item)


Crab, RM19, not much taste, can’t complain much for a RM19/kg crab

nothing spectacular, a restaurant which have colorful food picture, and taste pretty the same as every other Chinese restaurant, some say they all use the same Maggi chicken essence seasonings… haha

Address: Thong Lung Sang Seafood Restaurant

No B.G.17, Jalan Metro Perdana 1,

Taman Usahawan Kepong,

52100 Kuala Lumpur

Telephone: 013-208 2138 / 03-6259 4816 / 012-231 2138

Business hour: 11am-11pm

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