Shop from US website: Comgateway vs Borderlinx

Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Saturday 1 December 2012 8:26 am
66,504 Total Views

I have shipped items from US using Comgateway around 4 to 5 times, experiences of shopping depicted in previous post in 2010(US Online Shopping using Comgateway DHL Delivery service) and 2009(Shipping Rate from the US to Malaysia)

There is a program in Comgeway called Prime Rewards, whereby after you made 3 shipments, you are upgraded to ‘Prime’ status whereby the rate per 0.5 kg is 11% lower for a period of 9 months, ‘Prime’ rate will continue for another 9 months if you make another 3 shipment  (below details amended from Comgateway website) ie:

‘Prime’ rate and priviledge

Description Express Standard
First 0.5kg US$ 24.90 US$ 20.75
Every additional 0.5kg US$ 3.50 US$ 2.90 (original $3.25 for Non-Prime)
Speed of Delivery (business days) 3 – 5 6 – 8


Services Prime Non Prime
International Shipping Rates 11% discount on subsequent 0.5kg shipping rates
BuyForMe Service Fee 7% of item cost 10% of item cost
(max of 15 packages per shipment)
Free Free for 1st 3 packages (every additional package US$1 thereafter)
Storage Free for 60 days
subsequent US$1/day/item
Free for 30 days
subsequent US$1/day/item
Repack   US$5 for box cut downs and
US$3 for box transferred to bag option
  US$7 for box cut downs and US$5 for box transferred to bag option
Express delivery upgrade Automatic express delivery
Not applicable



Comgateway estimated shipping charge for 12kg of items is US$ 95.50 (Comgateway cost calculator)


Borderlinx estimated shipping charge for 12kg of items is US$ 116 (Borderlinx cost calculator)

Based on above 2 screenshots, Comgateway seem to be the one charging cheaper rate, around $20 cheaper for 12kg of shipment. Nonetheless, my recent shipment of 12kg using Comgateway (pictured below) has substantial consolidation fee and repack fee due to it being 6 packages and some of it are in big boxes. So far i could not find the consolidation fee and repack fee for Borderlinx, anyone have idea?

As for duty charges, i think Borderlinx charge excessively and not even sure it cover the duty tax incurred in Malaysia custom. As per my comgateway shipment below, no taxes incurred during payment time in their website, tax is only quantified once reaching Malaysia custom to be around RM130 for my shipment. And sometimes my shipment won’t even incurred duty by Malaysia custom, so i wonder why should Borderlinx charge the taxes all inclusive at the initial stage.


My shipment above is for 12kg of items value over US$300 was charged by custom Malaysia for about RM130 duty tax. Comgateway DHL paid for the duty tax on my behalf as they provide door to door service without me having to collect the items from Subang airport. As per online research, there is some words on if the item value + shipping charge (converted to MYR) is less than RM500, then it would not be charged duty in custom. From past experience, i mostly shipped items+shipping totaled RM500 and less, therefore had not been charged duty before this, thus they might be some truth in that statement.

Anyone have personal experience of using Borderlinx or other services to ship items to Malaysia?


1 Comment

  1. Comment by Flavorsavant — June 22, 2016 @ 10:55 am

    I find viabox to be cheaper.

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