Recipe: Pear and Almond Cake

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Saturday 19 October 2013 9:44 am
26,181 Total Views

Recipe adapted fromĀ Baking Project

Pear preparation: (preparedĀ 3 pears, end up needing only 2) below is amended to amount for 2 pears

2 pears

17 g sugar

1 big spoonful of rum

some lemon juice to prevent discoloration


peel the pears


macerate the pear in sugar, rum and lemon in a pot on low heat, to remove the extra juice from pear, so that the pear would not give out too much liquid when bake on cake


Slice it three quarter way through for decorative purpose.


Prepare to bake cake


cake batter


gently plop the pear on cake without pushing it into batter


When bake, the cake batter will rise and slightly cover the pears


side view


soft texture, i find it best serve same day, the pear might give out some liquid on next day, normal for such fruit like pear or apple is 5 years old

Posted by vivien | Blog Anniversary | Monday 14 October 2013 11:33 pm
28,481 Total Views

5 years old on 13 September 2013, visitor are dwindling to record low now. It is averaging around 110 unique visitors daily :(, it was around 400 visitor when it was 3 year old.

And now it is PR2 instead of PR3, a bulk of visitors are from google, and this PR downgrading is significant cause of low visitor.


Recipe: Gui Ling Gao (Chinese Herbal Jelly)

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Wednesday 2 October 2013 9:30 pm
25,768 Total Views



Very easy, 1 packet of gui ling gao (RM20) from Eu Yan Sang contains 5 X 50g of powder


250 ml cold water mixed with 1 pack of 50g gui ling gao powder

Boil 1.7 litre of water with 150g sugar (original recipe specify only 1 litre of water, increased the water since i prefer soft jelly, and previous time i followed their water amount turns out quite hard)

Mix the cold mixture into boiling water, boil for 1 minute of so

Sieve into individual container/bowl

For 50g of powder, i made 7 portion as above (ie RM4 powder to 7 portion!)

In summary, 50g powder + around 1.95 litre water


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