Tommy Le Baker, Kampung Attap

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Monday 1 May 2023 8:22 pm
12,842 Total Views

tommy le baker

My mixed vege grilled sandwich, filled with artichoke, eggplant when I am expecting like grilled capsicum etc, not something I will order again, will order something else next time maybe the mozzarella sandwich.

Overall though items not spectacular, I do like their natural bread and will try other items next time

tommy le baker

Above is hub’s salmon egg milk bun, something for him who don’t like hard bread

tommy le baker

tommy le baker

Onion soup above is a bit sourish and lack depth of rich beef broth, but it is kinda expected, at least they don’t use artificial beef broth flavoring

tommy le baker

tommy le baker

tommy le baker

tommy le baker

tommy le baker

tommy le baker

tommy le baker

tommy le baker


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